English to Spanish
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english to spanish Top 100 word translation
english | spanish |
opaque | opaco |
mussel | mejillón |
limit | límite |
accommodation | alojamiento |
robust | robusto |
metropolitan | metropolitano |
tomorrow | mañana |
screw | tornillo |
maze | laberinto |
hurdle | obstáculo |
booty | botín |
virtually | virtualmente |
hangover | resaca |
fragment | fragmento |
cereal | cereal |
worthwhile | vale la pena |
compatible | compatible |
pack | embalar |
overhear | oír |
comic | cómic |
owner | dueño |
conductor | conductor |
gauge | indicador |
truthfully | sinceramente |
illegal | ilegal |
entrance | entrada |
trifle | nimiedad |
incredibly | increíblemente |
somewhere | en algún lugar |
evil | demonio |
chastisement | castigo |
already | ya |
tusk | colmillo |
state | estado |
terminate | Terminar |
metre | metro |
blow | explotar |
cube | cubo |
smelly | maloliente |
draw | dibujar |
retire | jubilarse |
emperor | emperador |
smoothly | suavemente |
tamper | manosear |
bust | busto |
attract | atraer |
lifetime | toda la vida |
hopeful | esperanzado |
relationship | relación |
scheme | esquema |
impossibility | imposibilidad |
his | su |
confiscate | confiscar |
shield | blindaje |
fireball | Bola de fuego |
aisle | pasillo |
accept | aceptar |
bale | bala |
pervert | pervertido |
command | dominio |
fern | helecho |
gravity | gravedad |
ambassador | embajador |
four | cuatro |
entice | atraer |
mounted | montado |
resolve | resolver |
murderer | asesino |
cheap | barato |
fringe | franja |
chateau | castillo |
irksome | molesto |
instalment | entrega |
nose | nariz |
abnormality | anomalía |
journey | viaje |
disgraceful | vergonzoso |
envelope | sobre |
ratio | relación |
dramatically | dramáticamente |
conservative | conservador |
clothes | ropa |
vat | IVA |
tournament | torneo |
worse | peor |
home | hogar |
first | primero |
velocity | velocidad |
primitive | primitivo |
justified | justificado |
scrub | fregar |
clack | charla |
archery | tiro al arco |
fan | admirador |
jab | pinchazo |
brightest | Más brillante |
plug | enchufar |
my | mi |
platform | plataforma |
warfare | guerra |