Latin to English
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latin to english Top 100 word translation
latin | english |
male | badly |
iter | route |
bulla | bubble |
insensati | senseless |
animo | courage |
satis | quite |
pati | suffer |
flectere | bend |
roughly | roughly |
cohors | gang |
calefactio | warming |
obedientia | obedience |
velum | curtain |
proprietarius | proprietor |
idemque | firsthand |
tribus | tribal |
oscitare | yawn |
kilometer | kilometre |
anhelare | yearn |
lucerna | lantern |
polypus | octopus |
pressura | pressure |
low | low |
altitudo | height |
injuria | injury |
dedication | dedication |
stuffy | stuffy |
rerum agendarum | agenda |
demonstrare | demonstrate |
TABELLARIUS | postman |
stadium | stadium |
certe | indeed |
laquearia | ceiling |
exitus | exit |
afflictionem | affliction |
pressionibus | leverage |
lux | light |
Peregrinus | crusade |
confirmo | confirm |
animatus | animate |
familiaris | intimate |
dictus | so-called |
adipisci | obtain |
consolatorium | console |
| thirteen |
Crispum | curl |
lusus naturae | freak |
persicum | apricot |
ultimate | ultimate |
iniuria | abusive |
pannus | rag |
provocatio | challenge |
sponsa | bride |
irrigare | irrigate |
provocatio | challenging |
fertilis | fertile |
notitia | acquaintance |
venire | come |
sentinam | pump |
sheet | sheet |
reset | reset |
falsum | untrue |
leo | vegetarian |
garrulus | chatterbox |
ardens | radioactive |
studium | enthusiasm |
horizontalem | horizontal |
impeccabilis | impeccable |
victoriam | victory |
breve | short |
home | home |
rixa | quarrel |
contubernalis | roommate |
avis | bird |
aliquantum | somewhat |
criticus | critic |
Atticae | attic |
dolium | barrel |
inexhaustus | inexhaustible |
praedatum | predatory |
mulier | housewife |
vest | vest |
cranky | cranky |
praeposterus | preposterous |
res | coup |
| |
cooperante | cooperation |
matrix | matrix |
mineral | mineral |
clausa | shut |
anapaestus | vogue |
intrare | enter |
fratrem | sibling |
demere | subtract |
ante | ago |
detentio | detention |
affectum | feeling |
impares | inadequacy |
officium | duty |
circuitus | patrol |