Spanish to English
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spanish to english Top 100 word translation
spanish | english |
jubilarse | retire |
sanitario | sanitary |
en realidad | really |
patrón | patron |
receso | recess |
sombrío | glum |
producto | product |
yuxtaposición | juxtaposition |
cáscara | husk |
policía | police |
ordinariamente | ordinarily |
asimilar | assimilate |
español | spanish |
arco | arch |
extrañamente | oddly |
influyente | influential |
doloroso | painful |
superficie | surface |
legado | legacy |
desinteresado | disinterested |
promover | promote |
cultivable | arable |
lejos | away |
eléctrico | electrical |
inspección | inspection |
automático | automatic |
hierro | iron |
planeta | planet |
mancha | blotch |
avergonzar | embarrass |
negro | black |
notario | notary |
ligeramente | lightly |
carpa | tent |
sopa | soup |
ridículo | ridicule |
sin peligro | safely |
flota | fleet |
bibliotecario | librarian |
cerciorarse | ascertain |
alfiler | pin |
dañado | damaged |
concurso | contest |
limpiador | cleaner |
caliente | hot |
laxante | laxative |
república | republic |
desafortunadamente | sadly |
oxígeno | oxygen |
arreglar | mend |
interesante | interesting |
simple | simple |
capacidad | ability |
buscando | searching |
observancia | observance |
relativamente | relatively |
irradiar | irradiate |
intentar | attempt |
reemplazar | replace |
escombros | debris |
cubrir | drape |
hemisferio | hemisphere |
finura | finesse |
pasado | past |
postura | posture |
papelera | bin |
inicialmente | initially |
sarcástico | sarcastic |
compañía | company |
faja | girdle |
alerta | alert |
retirar | withdraw |
venenoso | poisonous |
elusivo | elusive |
rascar | scratch |
calendario | calendar |
fósil | fossil |
discrepancia | discrepancy |
altura | height |
confusión | turmoil |
adolescente | teen |
fresa | strawberry |
creyente | believer |
barriga | belly |
vecino | neighbour |
privacidad | privacy |
inflar | bloat |
jugar | gamble |
risco | crag |
asombroso | amazing |
feminista | feminist |
encantar | enchant |
camisa | shirt |
ahorro | saving |
rápido | snappy |
Convenientemente | conveniently |
por | van |
naturaleza | nature |
resistente | hardy |
momentáneamente | momentarily |