English to French
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english to french Top 100 word translation
english | french |
associate | associé |
upward | Vers le haut |
contradiction | contradiction |
impossible | impossible |
canned | en conserve |
correctly | correctement |
later | plus tard |
scallop | coquille |
orderly | ordonné |
interface | interface |
productive | productif |
enjoyment | jouissance |
interrogate | interroger |
prey | proie |
astound | étonner |
mineral | minéral |
gem | gemme |
investigator | enquêteur |
cabin | cabine |
crab | Crabe |
quandary | dilemme |
music | musique |
proclamation | proclamation |
sport | sport |
subsidy | subvention |
disappoint | décevoir |
quack | charlatan |
helper | assistant |
ransom | une rançon |
cork | Liège |
pill | pilule |
millennium | millénaire |
lateral | latéral |
anyhow | de toute façon |
extreme | extrême |
medieval | médiéval |
restriction | restriction |
occur | se produire |
mould | moule |
apartment | appartement |
sinew | tendon |
diffuse | diffuser |
mark | marquer |
mash | purée |
exquisite | exquis |
felon | criminel |
mare | jument |
cafeteria | cafétéria |
berry | baie |
venue | lieu |
sponge | éponge |
jackpot | cagnotte |
testing | essai |
fragment | fragment |
lace | dentelle |
handwriting | écriture |
rabbit | lapin |
eyebrow | sourcil |
chandler | Chandler |
gurgle | gargouillis |
betrayal | trahison |
calling | appel |
abhor | abhorrer |
inexplicable | inexplicable |
reverence | révérence |
bark | aboyer |
eyewitness | témoin oculaire |
irritable | irritable |
twilight | crépuscule |
witness | témoin |
exciting | passionnant |
comprehensive | complet |
intrigue | intrigue |
sir | Monsieur |
islamic | islamique |
valiant | vaillant |
frozen | congelé |
funnel | entonnoir |
boundary | frontière |
tacky | collant |
leftover | laissé pour compte |
snob | snob |
advisor | conseiller |
campus | Campus |
calumny | calomnie |
artificial | artificiel |
classify | classer |
thermometer | thermomètre |
marriage | mariage |
cask | fût |
front | devant |
comfort | confort |
placard | placard |
lash | fouetter |
chef | chef |
additional | supplémentaire |
seat | siège |
oversight | surveillance |
theater | théâtre |
restaurant | restaurant |