French to English
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french to english Top 100 word translation
french | english |
finir | finish |
mûre | mulberry |
ultrason | ultrasound |
beaucoup | many |
mortel | deadly |
civil | civilian |
concierge | janitor |
vêtir | clothe |
marraine | godmother |
à la mer | overboard |
aristocratie | aristocracy |
indistinct | indistinct |
impersonnel | impersonal |
impressionner | impress |
développement | development |
procès | trial |
le commissaire | commissioner |
vaccination | vaccination |
voisin | neighbour |
employeur | employer |
confesser | confess |
contraindre | compel |
dérouter | divert |
engrener | mesh |
corrompre | deprave |
élite | elite |
cécité | blindness |
précis | definite |
un autographe | autograph |
juré | juror |
chambre à coucher | bedroom |
religion | religion |
ce soir | tonight |
camarade | comrade |
mobile | mobile |
allonger | lengthen |
même | same |
filtre | filter |
partiellement | partially |
indifférent | listless |
païen | heathen |
article | item |
insuffisant | insufficient |
double | twin |
sentiment | sentiment |
le dîner | diner |
exterminer | exterminate |
Trier | sort |
rêne | rein |
incomplet | incomplete |
vêtements | clothes |
catastrophe | disaster |
bouillir | boil |
réjouir | rejoice |
ambassadeur | ambassador |
neveu | nephew |
condiment | condiment |
pansement | dressing |
scintillement | twinkle |
adjoindre | adjoin |
nomade | nomad |
explosion | outburst |
arrière | stern |
ondulation | ripple |
compatible | compatible |
de rechange | spare |
symbole | symbol |
skieur | skier |
accepter | accept |
BIO | organic |
récupérer | recuperate |
enregistrer | record |
porteur | bearer |
naissance | birth |
ronfler | snore |
service | service |
amplitude | amplitude |
préjudice | harm |
cigogne | stork |
rut | rut |
érosion | erosion |
sincère | sincere |
révolutionnaire | revolutionary |
insensible | callous |
arbre | shaft |
questionnaire | quiz |
souple | lithe |
fait | fact |
autorisation | authorization |
changer | switch |
battement | flutter |
garnison | garrison |
billet | ticket |
morgue | morgue |
sournois | sneaky |
grand | big |
bâillement | yawn |
captif | captive |
auteur | perpetrator |
dépenser | expend |