English to Latin
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english to latin Top 100 word translation
english | latin |
resemblance | similitudinem |
activate | |
ecosystem | ecosystem |
energetic | energetic |
surrounding | ambiente |
trolley | trahit |
poetic | poetic |
room | locus |
basement | BASIS |
render | reddere |
nor | nor |
pursue | persequi |
describe | describere |
fur | fur |
mushroom | fungus |
injured | laesa |
dance | saltare |
token | indicium |
avenge | ulcisci |
couple | copulabis |
gymnasium | gymnasium |
fuse | fuse |
copyright | copyright |
kangaroo | praeiudicatum |
straw | paleas |
touchy | touchy |
recognize | agnoscis |
fairness | aequitas |
if | si |
open-minded | animo pateret |
past | praeteritum |
constrain | cogunt |
pregnant | gravida |
party | partium |
atrocity | atrocitas |
mill | molendinum |
dingy | telis |
bus | bus |
slavery | servitus |
answer | respondere |
regularly | regularly |
doughnut | doughnut |
herself | se |
star | stella |
destitute | inops |
spoon | cochleari |
hurricane | turbo |
crab | cancer |
afterward | postea |
furthermore | etiam |
swerve | declinationem |
purge | purgare |
prowess | virtus |
frisk | frisk |
housekeeper | vilicus |
pudding | eu |
tube | tube |
over | super " |
staunch | haud dubie |
foliage | frondes |
stove | caminus |
eventful | eventful |
oversee | invigilare |
what | Quid |
distraction | distraction |
nauseous | tetri |
skilled | peritus |
quality | qualitas |
hardly | vix |
hamburger | assae |
esteem | aestimatio |
core | core |
availability | disponibilitate |
rant | rant |
doubt | dubium |
worker | operarius |
gender | genus |
show | ostende |
vane | vane |
standing | stans |
tasting | gustus |
correlation | ratione |
devoted | devotus |
conformity | conformitas |
formula | formula |
unsettled | perturbati sunt |
skier | nauta |
penthouse | penthouse |
dwelling | habitatio |
swear | iurare |
stagger | vacillare |
offering | oblatio |
sympathize | compati |
perjury | periurium |
extremely | maxime |
shoe | calceus |
hasty | hasti |
footstep | vestigium |
underpants | underpants |
catching | apprehensa |